20 Disember 2008
14 Disember 2008

We hold gatherings every year since we graduated from high school in 2004 and most of the time the same bunch of people will come. Our gathering this time around is held at The Teh Tarik Place in The Curve Damansara at 9pm on the 13th of December 2008. From what I observed, nothing much has changed actually since the last gathering in mid-year. But, surely it was a pleasent meeting.
To Yazid, Leng Zhong, Nefin, Shahreez, Chee Meng, Wei Xiang, Murali, Weng Fei, Dicmun, Yue Weng, and Win Li; thanks for coming and hope we'll meet each other again during our next gathering next year!
01 Disember 2008
I'm Tagged!
Part One
1. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
Hmm very interesting question indeed. I'm the sort of person that always worries about what others think about me. That is why im quite carefull about whatever I do and sometimes that makes me a bit reserved. However, I think people have this sort of presumption that im the kind of "good boy" type. Seriously, they don't have any idea.... haha!
2. The character of you for yourself is?
I always wanted to be the strong & silent type of character. However, my characteristics is easy-going, but not the happy-go-lucky type. I seldom got angry and don't really know how to scold people. Friendly is also part of my characteristics. Sometimes, I want to please other people too much.
3. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
Laziness! haha. Who doesn't? I do have the motivation to do things that I want. But the thing is, it does not last long. Procrastination is also a character that I want to get rid of. Owh, not to mention my stubborness!
4. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
Myself! Whatever that is positive and negative in me, I will always be myself. Of course, there are some persons that I would like to take in some of their personalities, but only some aspects of it, not all.
Part Two.
Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state the rules clearly. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tags back!
- I am very very stubborn. That is what my parents always say about me. Although I do not show my stubborness, it is silent. Im not stubborn in my actions, but stubborn in my heart, which is very not good. haha.
- I started showing my interest in creative writing since I am 7 years old. I love to create my own songs with the lyrics written by me, the memorize it and sing it over and over again.
- Im such a shy boy when I was a little kid. I don't really talk and voice out, until there is a point that my kendergarten teacher said to my mother that she wanted to spy me in my home to see whether I open my mouth or not!
- I have the habit to lock the doors everytime I enter a room.
- I only started to use "aku kau" with my friends during my form 4. Before that, it is "saya awak"!
- I love to clean things up and see things properly in order. That is why I love to arrange my books. But the thing is, I never finish cleaning!
- Taking up law in IIUM is my ambition and dream when im in form 5. Alhamdullillah, my dreams come true.
- Sometimes Im afraid of the way I drive. So, if you guys want to ride with me, you'd better get ready!
- Im the eldest child in my family, and the most manja grandson to my grandma. huhu.
- What more? Im a huge Ebiet G. Ade fan! I have almost all of his songs in my collection. InsyaAllah one day Im going to make a special entry dedicated to him.
- Hafiizh Mukhtaruddin
- Nasriah Abdul Salam
- Nissa' Yusuf
- MF Kencana
- Sayidah Muizzah
- Ahzwad
30 November 2008
Aduhai malang pak kaduk,
ayamnya menang kampung tergadai,
ada nasi dicurahkan
awak pulang kebuluran.

Sekarang ini konsep ketuanan melayu telah dipersoal. Kontrak sosial juga telah dicurigai. Selepas ini apa pula? Hak keistimewaan orang melayu? Kedudukan Islam? Apakah mereka sebenarnya faham akan soal konsep ketuanan melayu ini?
Ketuanan Melayu bukanlah suatu konsep antara "tuan" dan "hamba". Orang Melayu sama sekali tidak menganggap orang luar sebagai hamba. Tidak sama sekali. Tetapi ketahuilah orang Melayu sangat berat hatinya untuk memberi kerakyatan kepada orang luar sebagai rakyat dan warganegara ketika kemerdekaan Tanah Melayu pada tanggal 1957. Buktinya? Lihatlah kepada segala syarat-syarat yang harus diterima oleh orang-orang luar ini. Hak keistimewaan, agama Islam, raja-raja Melayu, bahasa Melayu.... semua ini menjelaskan bahawa orang Melayu sejak dahulu lagi tidak bersedia memberikan status kewarganegaraan secara total kepada orang bukan Melayu.
Tidak, saya tidak bersifat perkauman di sini. Saya sekadar ingin menganalisis kembali dan menyoroti apakah fakta dan peranan kita sama ada anda seorang Melayu atau bukan Melayu. Benar, walau bagaimanapun kita mencanangkan fakta sejarah, ia akan tetap tinggal menjadi sejarah dan ia sudah kita tinggalkan 50 tahun yang lepas, namun kesannya masih lagi terasa sampai sekarang.
Ketuanan Melayu harus tetap dipertahankan. Sebabnya? Mudah sahaja. Ketuanan Melayu adalah konsep yang menjadi tonggak kepada ciri-ciri tradisional dalam Perlembangaan Persekutuan. Seperti yang saya sebutkan tadi - hak keistimewaan, agama Islam, bahasa Melayu, dan raja-raja Melayu. Semua itu telah termaktub dalam perlembagaan kerana adanya ketuanan Melayu. Jika kita menolak konsep ketuanan Melayu, sudah pasti semua ciri-ciri ini akan secara perlahan-lahan terhakis daripada perlembagaan dan akhirnya ada kemungkinan akan dibuang terus. Kita tak mahu ini semua terjadi.
Saya percaya, rakyat bukan Melayu masih lagi menghormati hak-hak orang Melayu. Cuma dari segi Ketuanan Melayu ini, mereka takut dengan perkataan 'tuan' itu tadi. Ya, saya akui, frasa 'ketuanan melayu' itu memang boleh menimbulkan salah faham. Tetapi wajarlah konsepnya difahami dengan mendalam, kerana konsepnya itu yang penting dan diperjuangkan oleh orang-orang Melayu. Janganlah pula kita menjadi seperti Pak Kaduk:
Ada rumah bertandang duduk,Wallahu'alam.
Rumah runtuh, awak menumpang!
Sumber foto : www.umno-reform.net
29 November 2008
The next day, on the way back home after checking out from the hotel, we bumped into a signboard that shows the direction to Kota Johor Lama, or the Old Johor Fort. I was curious about the place and suggested we go for there for a visit. We weren't in a rush, so there is time for some sight-seeing. The road going there was quite isolated and narrow.
The above picture is the remains of the fort. The fort has been dug previously, but was undugged back because of some reason.
28 November 2008
27 November 2008
Minta daun diberi daun,
Dalam daun ada bidara;
Minta pantun diberi pantun,
Dalam pantun ada bicara.
Pada hari pertama, saya telah ditemani oleh Nissa' Yusuf, MF Kencana, dan juga Kak Ila. Seronok juga apabila dapat berkampung semula di DBP untuk menghadiri sebuah majlis ilmu yang menjadi minat saya ini. Banyak perkara yang saya belajar, terutamanya mengenai pantun, syair, gurindam dan nazam.
Sewaktu seminar inilah juga saya telah didedahkan dengan pelbagai jenis irama syair dan gurindam. Sesuatu yang menarik untuk dipelajari, kerana selepas ini bolehlah saya pula mempersembahkannya. Rupanya irama syair yang kita selalu dengar itu, dinamakan irama Syair Siti Zubaidah ataupun Selendang Delima. Ada banyak lagi irama syair dan yang dibentangkan sewaktu seminar, ada 13 kesemuanya.
Kemudian, perkara yang membuatkan saya merasa teruja adalah apabila SN Prof. Muhammad Haji Salleh pula bangkit untuk mengulas kenyataan saya. Wah, sasterawan negara tu. Prof mengulas mengenai soalan "mengapa pantun?" yang sentiasa dibangkitkan oleh rakan-rakan saya ketika dijemput untuk menyertai pertandingan-pertandingan pantun. Prof menjawab kerana pantun adalah sebuah bentuk yang telah merentasi lebih daripada 40 bahasa di seluruh dunia, lebih 35 dialek melayu, dan juga merangkumi ke segenap aspek kehidupan. Tiada bentuk puisi lain yang telah menjelajah ke segenap pelusuk kehidupan seperti pantun.
26 November 2008
Mana rumpun hendak melata;
Wahai tuan jangan termenung,
Mari berpantun bersilat kata!
Bertemankan MF Kencana, pertandingan akhir tersebut telah berlangsung dengan menyaksikan persaingan sengit antara Kementerian Pelajaran dan Kementerian Perpaduan, Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Warisan. Hakim yang mengadili pertandingan pada malam tersebut ialah Prof Rahman Shaari, Puan Rogayah A. Hamid, dan Puan Hajah Halimah Hassan. Marilah kita saksikan gambar-gambar yang sempat saya ambil semasa pertandingan akhir tersebut.
Persembahan Randai - Syair Siti Zubaidah oleh Kumpulan Warisan Pujangga dari Kementarian Perpaduan, Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Warisan
Ucapan Penutup oleh YB Datuk Haji Idris Haji Haron, Timbalan Menteri Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia. Rupanya YB pun begitu arif dan hebat berpantun!
Juara Pertandingan : Kementerian Pelajaran
Tempat Kedua : Kementerian Perpaduan, Kebudayaan, Kesenian, dan Warisan
The Next Phase In My Life
There is a point in life when suddenly we realise that the world seems to be wider and bigger than before. Our eyes start to see things in a new perspective, in a different view . Our thoughts and feelings tend to be more matured and it is getting harder for others to hurt it. That is the point when we have arrived to the next phase in our life.
This blog marked the transition in my life. I have been blogging previously here since my high school years. It is hard for me to leave that blog, but I think to begin the next phase of my life, which I presume to be the stage of adulthood, I need a new space to to begin with. Hence, this blog is established. A new place, a new space.
Let us begin our journey to the next level in life.
05 Jun 2008
May It Please The Court (1)
Tumbuh kesidang di laman rumah,
Penghias taman tanah membusut;
Peguam bersidang di kamar mahkamah,
Mencari jalan menghurai yang kusut.
"May it please this honourable court. My name is Mohd Azree Mohd Ariffin appearing as the junior counsel on behalf of the Appellant in this present proceeding."
That was the words that I first uttered as a formal introduction for my Moots 1. After weeks of preparation of the Bundle of Authorities and the Full Written Submission, it is time for the mooting itself. This is actually my first time mooting in a proper court surrounding, whereby the venue is at the mini moot court room. However, I once also mooted, eventhough it is only in a class room for the subject of Basic Legal Methods, during my law foundation year.
Being infront of a three bench judge is really a challenging task for me. Especially, when two of the judges are also my classmates alongside my instructor, Miss Aliza. The way of answering the judges questions are a must in getting good marks for the moot. For me, I thought that my answers needs to be more polished so that it will be more precise according to the questions given.
Whatever it is, I did overall a well-done job and I would like to thank my co-counsel and also the rest of my group members for all the help and support. The task has not ended yet. There are another mooting round next week that has a total of 40% from the whole assessment. InsyaAllah, I am going to give out my best.